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tertangkap basah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tertangkap basah"
  • tertangkap:    crenellated; fall into the hands (of someone)
  • basah:    runny; soggy; tacky; undrained; wet; soaked;
  • basah:    runny; soggy; tacky; undrained; wet; soaked; soaking; dampish; moisture; soak; dowse; moistness; sop; douse; souse; fresh; moist; dampness; damp; lactating; drenched; humid; drench
  • keadaan tertangkap:    captivity
  • tidak tertangkap:    uncaught
  • basah keringat:    sweaty
  • basah kuyub:    wet as a drowned rat; wet through; wet to the skin
  • basah kuyup:    sodden; water-soaked; wringing-wet; drench; soaked/wet through; soaking wet; steep; wet through; wringing wet; bathetic; drenched; soggy; soak; draggle; bedraggle; bedraggled; saturated; imbue; drag
  • basah lencun:    soak; imbue
  • basah oleh:    soaked
  • basah-kuyup:    soaked
  • cuaca basah:    misty climate
  • element basah:    wet cell
  • ikan basah:    fresh fish; fooder; feedstuff
  • keadaan basah:    wetness
  • No, but he nearly caught me red-handed today.
    Tidak, tapi hampir saja aku tertangkap basah olehnya.
  • He said he was caught drinking altar wine.
    Dia berkata dia tertangkap basah minum anggur altar.
  • Why do you look like you just got caught?
    Kenapa kau terlihat seperti sedang tertangkap basah?
  • Sneaking out and drinking a soda, double busted!
    Menyelinap dan meminum soda, Tertangkap basah dua lapis!
  • Today I have caught both of them red handed!
    Hari ini.. ..mereka tertangkap basah olehku!
  • If you're gonna cheat don't get caught.
    Jika Anda akan menipu jangan sampai tertangkap basah.
  • ...and it appears there's even more bank robbery suspect is caught red-handed
    pelaku perampokan bersenjata tertangkap basah
  • Do you wish to be caught red-handed by the king?
    Apa kau berharap tertangkap basah oleh Raja?
  • I suppose you have me dead to rights, so
    Aku rasa, aku tertangkap basah, jadi
  • You weren't on any mercy mission this time.
    Kau telah tertangkap basah kali ini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5